This video will explain the four ways to associate Pillars and Drivers. First, is how to associate a Pillar with a Driver. Scroll down to a Pillar and click the “Edit” icon next to the Pillar name. Underneath the “Pillar Description” is the word “Drivers” with the add button next to it. Click the “+ (add)” button and a list of all of the Drivers will appear. Select the Driver that needs to be added. Add as many Drivers as needed to a Pillar by continuing to click the “+ (add)” button. When done, click the “Save” icon.
The second way to associate a Pillar with a Driver is by dragging the Pillar over to the Driver. To do this, click and hold on a Pillar and drag it on top of the Driver that it needs to be added to. A yellow outline will appear around the Driver. The yellow outline indicates to let go of the mouse button and the Pillar will be added to the Driver. The Driver name will now be listed under the Pillar.
The third way to associate Pillars and Drivers is to associate a Driver with a Pillar. Next to the Driver name, click the “Edit” icon. Underneath the “Driver Description” is word the “Pillars” with the add button next to it. Click the “+ (add)” button and a list of all the Pillars will appear. Select the Pillar that needs to be added. Add as many Pillars as needed to a Driver by continuing to click the “+ (add)” button. When done, click the “Save” icon.
The fourth way to associate a Driver to a Pillar is by dragging the Driver over to the Pillar. To do this, click and hold the Driver and drag it on top of the Pillar that it needs to be added to. A yellow outline will appear around the Pillar. The yellow outline indicates to let go of the mouse button and the Driver will be added to the Pillar. The Pillar name will now be listed under the Driver.