To add a sub question, first, click the “Arrow“ icon to the right of the “Driver Name” to expand the “Driver Questions”.
Scroll to the bottom of the expanded questions.
At the bottom of the list is a “drop down box” with the additional sub question types: “Checkbox”, “Radio” and “Free Text”. The first question type that can be created for a Driver is a “Checkbox Question”. A “Checkbox Question Type” allows the assessment participants to select multiple answers from a list of options. To add a Checkbox question, select “Checkbox” from the dropdown list and click the “+ Add Question” button.
The first text box is where to enter the name for this question. This name will not appear with the question in the Assessment. It will be used to help organize and keep track of the sub questions on this page and when viewing Assessment results.
The second text box is where to enter the question.
Below that is where to add the list of “Options” for the assessment participants to choose from as answers to this question. Again, they will be able to select as many options as they like for their answer. At least one “Option” must be entered in order to save the question. To add an “Option”, click the “+ (add)” button and enter the first option.
When done, press return on the keyboard to lock in the text. Repeat this for as many options as needed.
When the question and all the options are entered, click the “Save” icon.
Now that the question and the options have been created, there are a few more decisions to make. Below the list of “Options” are three text boxes: “Add Comment Box”, “Comment Required” and “Make Anonymous”. has preselected “Add Comment Box” and “Make Anonymous”. We strongly suggest that you include the comment box and keep the question anonymous as that will ensure better and more accurate data. To make any changes to these “Options”, check or uncheck the box next to the option.
Please note that if “Comment Required” is checked, “Add Comment Box” will also be automatically checked.
Below that, for reference, is a list of the Pillars and Drivers that are associated with this question. Under that is the “Historical Data” for this question and the preset “Average Response Time” for this question.