The second way to “Add Manually” is “Upload List”.  

Here is where to add people to the Assessment as an “Executive” or “Staff” permission level by uploading a spreadsheet. The first step is to download the spreadsheet template by clicking on  “Download Template” and opening the download. 

In the blank template, there are columns for “First Name”, “Last Name”, “Email Address”, “Username”, and any other “Report Fields” that have been added to the company. The only required column is “Email Address”, but any other information can be added for each user if necessary.  

When the emails and any other information have been entered, the spreadsheet template needs to be saved to your computer. Make sure to save the template as an “x-l-s”, “x-l-s-l”,  or “o-d-s” as only those will work in the application.

Now that the template has been created, it needs to be uploaded to the application from the “Choose a File” box. Select the file and all of the information will be displayed on the screen. If any other information needs to be entered into the “Report Fields”, it can be done directly on this screen. 

Click where the information is to be entered and when done, press “Return” on the keyboard to save the value.  

If there are any errors from the upload template, a notification will show on the screen. 

Here it is showing that there is an error with one of the email addresses. Click around on the error to see what it might be. In this example, it looks like an extra space is entered after the email address. Delete that space and press “Return” on the keyboard. The error is now resolved. 

To search for someone directly, type their name in the “Search” box. 

When all the information is entered correctly, the next step is to select users to be added to the assessment in a certain “Role”. 

Select the “Role” from the dropdown list that will be assigned to the users and check the box next to the users names.  

When ready, click the “Add” button. When the “Add” button is clicked, an email invitation to register will be sent out. The emails have now disappeared from this list and will appear in the “People in the Assessment” section. These steps can be repeated for the remaining users that will be assigned a different “Role”. 

Then, when the “Add” button is clicked, those names will be removed from this list and will now also appear in the “People in the Assessment” section.