The “Schedule and Voting” section is where to  select the necessary dates for all steps of launching and completing the Assessment as well as select the” Voting Focus” for this Assessment. 

The left column is where to “Schedule the Assessment and Vote”. 

The “Strategic Initiative Start Date” is the date that the Strategic Initiative was created. 

At the top of the column is a Progress Bar. Once the Assessment is launched, this Progress Bar will show how far along the assessment is to being completed by all participants. So when creating the Assessment it will show 0% like it does now. Here is an example, let's say the Assessment is launched and one-hundred people have been invited. If 10 people completed the assessment so far out of the hundred invited, the Progress Bar would show 10%.

Under the Progress Bar is the list of “Roles” that have been added to the Assessment. The left column of Roles called “Percent Progress” is tied to the Progress Bar. It is a breakdown of what Roles make up the percent showing in the Progress Bar. So back to the example,  if the Assessment has been completed by 10 people so far and five of those people are Executives and five of those people are Stakeholders, 50% will show next to Executive and 50% will show next to Stakeholder. So of the 10% that completed the Assessments so far, half are Stakeholders and half are Executives.

The right hand column of “Roles” called “Percentage Role” is a breakdown of each individual Role. It displays the percent of people who have been assigned that Role and have completed the Assessment. So going back to the example that we've been using, let's say of the hundred people invited to the assessment 20 of them are Executives. If five Executives have completed the Assessment so far out of the 20 invited, the percent next to Executive would be 25%.

Under the “Roles”  is where to set the dates for all steps of the Assessment. 

First is the “Live Preview Due Date”. This allows users who have been granted rights to the Administer section, time to be able to review the Assessment and give feedback. This date is the last day they will be able to preview the Assessment and suggest changes before it goes live. 

Under that is the “Assessment Start Date”. This is the date that the Assessment goes live and people who have been invited to participate in the Assessment will be able to take it. 

Next is the “Assessment Due Date”. This is the date that all assessment participants must have the Assessment completed in order for their data and votes to be counted. 

Next is the “Published Vote Date”. Once the “Assessment Due Date” has passed, all users who have access to the “Publish Vote” screen can review the votes. Then the users with the permission to “Publish the Vote” must publish the vote to the assessment participants by this date. 

Last in the column is “Frequency”. Here is where to set the frequency that this assessment will run. 

The options are “Monthly”, “Bimonthly” meaning every other month, “Quarterly” meaning every three months from the “Published Vote Due Date” of the previous assessment. For example, if the Assessment started on January 1st and the “Published Vote Due Date” was March 1st the next Assessment would be queued up and recommended to start three months from March 1st.

Last is “Biannual” meaning every six months from the “Published Vote Due Date”. For example if the Assessment started on January 1st and the “Published Vote Due Date” was June 1st the next Assessment would be queued up and recommended to start six months from June 1st.

The reason we base the next “Assessment Start Date” from the previous “Published Vote Due Date” is so there is time to create change in between the Assessments. 

In the right hand column of this section is where to “Select the Voting Focus” for this Assessment. 

A “Voting Focus” must be selected before you can move on to the rest of the Assessment set up.

In the Assessment, once the assessment participants answer all the questions, they will then vote for three Drivers that they think are most important for the company to focus before the next assessment. Here is where to decide what Drivers they can choose from when voting. 

The first option on the dropdown list is “The Whole Strategic Initiative”, meaning all Drivers in the Strategic Initiative.


The next options on the dropdown list will be each Pillar. If a Pillar is chosen, the assessment participants will only vote from a list of Drivers that are associated with that Pillar.