The “Results” section is where to preview what the “Results” page will look like for all assessment participants and stakeholders once the votes have been published. All the data displayed here is simulated to help give a clear picture of what this section will look like.
At the top of the page, in the dropdown list is where to select the Assessment period that is to be reviewed. It will be automatically set to the current Assessment, but it can be changed to previous Assessments.
The first sectioen of data is the “Strategic Initiative Overview”. The first box is the total number of people that participated in the Assessment. The number in the corner is the percent that this number increased or decreased from the previous Assessment.
The second box is the percent of the total population that participated in the Assessment. The number in the corner is the percent that this percentage increased or decreased from the previous Assessment.
The third box is the aggregate grade for this Assessment period. The grade in the corner is the grade from the previous Assessment period.
The last box is the percent of assessment participants who voted in the Assessment. The number in the corner is the percent that this percentage increased or decreased from the previous Assessment period.
The next section of data is “Trend Charts”. The first chart is the “Strategic Initiative Scatter Chart”. This chart shows data for this Assessment period or a previous Assessment period if that was selected from the dropdown list at the top of the page.
Each dot on the chart is one assessment participant's total aggregate grade for all Drivers for the Strategic Initiative and the date they completed the Assessment.
The second chart is the “Strategic Initiative Trend Chart”. This chart shows the historical grades over time for each Assessment period for the Strategic Initiative.
There are also a few additional functions for each chart. For example, zooming in or zooming out.