This video explains how to view a “Pillar Detail”. First, click on a Pillar in the center column and the information will appear in the right column. 

At the top of the column is the average grade given to this Pillar by the assessment participants. This grade is an aggregate of all the average grades for the Drivers associated with this Pillar. Under that is a donut chart that shows the breakdown of the average grades for all the Drivers associated with this Pillar. Shown on the chart is the percent of each grade and by rolling over each section with the mouse, the letter grade with the number of assessment participants that had that grade as their average for this Pillar will appear.

Below that is the “Pillar Trend Chart”. This chart shows the historical trend of the average grades for this Pillar for all Assessments in the Strategic Initiative.


There are a few additional functions. For example,  zooming in or zooming out.

The “Drivers” section is the list of Drivers that are associated with this Pillar. 

Next is “Word Cloud”. These are the word clouds for this Pillar. “Driver Comments” are the comments that the assessment participants included as to why they graded all Drivers associated with this Pillar the way they did.

“Idea Comments” are the comments that the assessment participants added when they were in the voting section about how to improve all Drivers associated with this Pillar. 

Under each word cloud is a sentiment bar. The more red shown means the more negative the comments and the more green means the more positive the comments. 

The next section is a breakdown of “Employee Participation”. This percent at the top  is the percent of assessment participants who completed the Assessment and raised their hands to be involved with at least one Driver associated with this Pillar. The chart shows the number of people that want to be involved with at least one Driver associated with this Pillar and the breakdown of what their average grades are for the Pillar.

The “People” tab is the list of people who are the self-selected change agents that checked the box to be involved with at least one Driver associated with this Pillar during the voting process. Use the “Search” box to search for a specific person and scroll to the right to see all the “Report Field” information for these people.

Below that is the breakdown of “Votes” for this Pillar. The percent at the top is the percent of assessment participants who completed the Assessment and voted for at least one Driver associated with this Pillar to be the main focus for the company. The chart shows the number of people that voted for at least one Driver that is associated with this Pillar and the breakdown of what their grades are for this Pillar.

The last section is a breakdown of “Frequency”. When the assessment participants graded a Driver, they also selected the frequency that they were involved with that Driver. This chart shows the number of assessment participants that completed the Assessment and what their average frequency is for all Drivers associated with the Pillar.